"Our favourite thing about Eurovision is... we get to use foreign toilets."
"There's these little girls who are, like, under 12! And I'm like 'Why do you want to marry me?! You should be looking at Dora!'"
"I like girly girls, not man-beasts."

Which one of you has kissed the most girls?
Edward: "John."
So what does the other one do when one of you is kissing?
Edward: [sadly]"I don’t know."
"I think we both have fans. I've got fans, Edward's got fans, together we both have fans. And some fans, we have loads of fans, we both have the same amount of fans. Like a John fan's an Edward fan and an Edward fan's a John fan."

"Our favourite thing about Eurovision is... we get to use foreign toilets."
"There's these little girls who are, like, under 12! And I'm like 'Why do you want to marry me?! You should be looking at Dora!'"
"I like girly girls, not man-beasts."

Which one of you has kissed the most girls?
Edward: "John."
So what does the other one do when one of you is kissing?
Edward: [sadly]"I don’t know."
"I think we both have fans. I've got fans, Edward's got fans, together we both have fans. And some fans, we have loads of fans, we both have the same amount of fans. Like a John fan's an Edward fan and an Edward fan's a John fan."
