2011-09-27 @ 19:50:57 Citat

Let Loose citat

EDWARD ''Who broke the light? The light is broke.”
JOHN “I didn’t break it, you broke it.”
EDWARD ''You broke it, I didn’t even move the mattress in here. You did.”
JOHN “Yeah, but technically you broke it, ‘cos I was moving in your bed.” 

EDWARD '“Okay, guys. We’re in London. If you don’t know, it’s in the city of... erm... England.”

Edward: (About chilli seeds) "This is what they use to make bombs."

EDWARD “John’s like more muscular, he’s got like all this muscle going on.”
JOHN “No, I don’t.”
EDWARD “Yeah, you’re more abby than me.”
JOHN “Okay.” 

JOHN ''Every signed CD is a sold CD!” 

EDWARD “Oh my, teddy bears! Go, go, go, John. Come on, let’s get a teddy bear. Get that one! Let’s get a football. Footbal, football! Get a mouse, get a mouse, get a mouse! Get a snake, get a snake, get a snake! It’s like such good value.” 

EDWARD “Oh my God, they don’t come with batteries!”
JOHN “Oh my God, that’s why batteries were beside them! You’re joking me!”

EDWARD “They’re the type of pants me and John wear on stage coz they keep everything together.” 

EDWARD “Let’s see my beautiful legs ... Eeewww, it’s all swelled up, it’s all messed up. Look how beautiful this leg looks.”

EDWARD ''Oh my God, there’s melted water in here!”
JOHN “Pour it in the sink, pour it in the sink! Don’t pour it on the ground!”

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