2011-07-24 @ 13:08:24 Twitter Kommentarer (0)

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'Tonight totally Rocked all you guys Rule so much that there is a huge ruler in the sky!And you all rock that there's a huge rock!'

'Listening to Taylor swift fearless always gets us ready for things that are scary! And it makes us fearless'

'It has been one month since we first went to Sweden and now we are gonna be there more times! Thank you!'

'We had an awesome time doing album signing in Berlin, Going to Munich and Frankfurt it was so cool all the interviews and TvShows! JEDMANY'

'We need to read some fanmail we were over the weight limit in the airport and all out teddy bears were searched! Haha'

'Closing our eyes to fall asleep! We can not see all the coolness around us but we think of all the coolness in our head and fall into dreams'

2011-07-22 @ 21:43:49 Twitter Kommentarer (0)

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'No flying today! The big Plane Bird had a Big Poo and could not take off we hope the Bird plane gets Better!'

De kan inte flyga just nu för att flygplanet är trasigt. De beskriver flygplanet för Bird Plane = Fågel plan, haha! ^^
2011-07-22 @ 20:41:03 Twitter Kommentarer (0)

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'Right now we have so much fragrances on us! People smell us before they see us we smell really awesome!'

Jag skulle vilja känna deras doft! Skulle inte ni det? ;)
2011-07-22 @ 17:56:02 Twitter Kommentarer (0)

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'We went on a boat ride with fans and had loads of cake! We never have cake but it was a special moment! So we had loads of cake'

'We walked into a shop and stood in the window trying on different Clothes'

'All the hot weather in Germany is making our Hair melt! Ahhh it's melting'

'Today a fan gave us a dolphin balloon and we burst it and used the helium to sing Bad Behaviour!'
Haha, jag skulle vilja se/höra det! De är så roliga!

2011-07-22 @ 11:58:03 Twitter Kommentarer (0)

Loads of Tweets

John och Edward har lagt in massor av Tweets:

'Hey everyone we did so many cool photo shots today'

'We are gonna leave to go to Frankfurt right now we are in Munich peace out y'all'

'We are on the Internet right now we mean we are online what are you doing'

'We are looking at picture s of us from vintage times which no one has seen before'

'We served the whole train going to Frankfurt everyone was going crazy they had coffee,pretzels! HUGS WERE FREE they were the best selling'
Det kan jag tänka mig! ;)

'We just got upgraded to First class on the train for our amazing work!'

'We sang lipstick on the train speaker and everyone on the train was clapping, taking pictures! I'm John and I'm Edward! Enjoy your journey!'
Jag skulle vilja vara på det tåget!

'We feel like we are in hogwarts and all the people that had glasses we called them Harry Potter! Some of them had Harry potter glasses'

'We saw this baby and it was crying and we gave it a croissant! They baby stopped crying and it is now in shock! The baby is a big fan!'
Åh, de gillar barn!

'There was this awesome old lady and we gave her a free chocolate bar she really liked our hair! She is totally with the times and hairstlyes'

'What would you like! Jedward at your service'
What would you like! Jedward at your service
De gick runt och sålde på ett tåg. Snälla pojkar! ♥

2011-07-21 @ 12:21:24 Twitter Kommentarer (1)

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'We are now in Munich just did a interview for hey mag in Germany at the airport'

'Hey everyone we are really excited we are on our way to the bravo offices to do interviews and take pictures ...bravo here we come'

Jag har för mig att de skrev förut att de var i Ryssland.
Twittringarna skrevs för ca 2 minuter sen.

2011-07-20 @ 22:16:48 Twitter Kommentarer (0)

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'The cd signing in Berlin was crazy it was so cool thanks everyone for being there showing Jedward love'

'Where ever you are from or what you are or what you do the thing that makes you cool! You are a Jedward fan! =:)'
Where ever you are from or what you are or what you do the thing that makes you cool! You are a Jedward fan! =:)
Skivsigneringen i Berlin, Tyskland. Hoppas de gör en sån i Sverige snart!
2011-07-20 @ 13:55:27 Twitter Kommentarer (0)

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'EVERYONE CHECK THIS OUT http://www.youtube.com/user/JEDWARDTV#p/u/6/gylN6OIUXos'

2011-07-20 @ 13:53:29 Twitter Kommentarer (0)

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'hey everybody we are gonna go now and do loads of interviews here we go lets do this and we are gonna get ready 4 the signing'



De ska göra massor av intervjuer och singneringar nu. Jag förstår inte riktigt vad de menar med 'X'... Ingen aning faktiskt. Haha, vad tror ni? Och så har de rivit papper. Rastlösa? Nej, de är ju aldrig rastlösa, de har ju alltid något roligt att göra! Så i det här fallet är riva papper roligt. Haha!
2011-07-20 @ 13:20:12 Twitter Kommentarer (0)

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'http://twitvid.com/E5P6L  - WHATS GONNA HAPPEN VICTORY!'

De gjorde en video också.
2011-07-20 @ 12:48:05 Twitter Kommentarer (0)

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'We just had a super Jepic time on german tv it was jwesome'

Ja, de är i Tyskland just nu och skriver på Twitter att de är så spända över den här veckan. Visst är vi glada för att dom är glada?
2011-07-18 @ 20:48:50 Twitter Kommentarer (0)

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'We just did Chart show tv and Pop girl they both Rock our world'
2011-07-18 @ 18:55:10 Twitter Kommentarer (1)

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Kolla på John! Gud, vad snygg! Ja, han är verkligen Mr. Cool!


Edward... Önskar att han tog av sig solglasögonen så vi fick se hans blick som verkligen dödar!

'Whats Up!'
Whats Up!

'Flat HAIR!'
Flat HAIR!

Åh, jag älskar deras ögon! Jag är fulkomligt KÄR i gröna ögon!




'Everyone check out Oktv for Jedward fun and us performing Bad Behaviour on at 6:30'

Jag älskar när de lägegr upp massor av bilder på Twitter! Jag blir alltid så glad av deras bilder för de är alltid så positiva! Jag kan vara hur ledsen som helst, men när jag kollar på deras bilder blir jag alltid glad.
Blir inte ni det?
2011-07-18 @ 11:12:14 Twitter Kommentarer (0)

Latest Tweets

'Everyone tell someone today about Jedward and tell all your friends!'

'Behind the scenes of Bad Behaviour getting changed!'
Behind the scenes of Bad Behaviour getting changed!

'It's gonna be a Jepic Week! Signings! Tv! Photoshoots! Interviews! Fans! PlanetJedward'
It's gonna be a Jepic Week! Signings! Tv! Photoshoots! Interviews! Fans! PlanetJedward

'London Here we come! Like London London! Oh oh oh say London London'

'Germany here we come This Wednesday we are on Sat 1 in Berlin. And doing 3 songs it gonna be so cool'

Mer tweets hittar ni under LINKS i menyn på JEDWARD TWITTER.

2011-07-17 @ 16:19:29 Twitter Kommentarer (0)

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'Just had some Tomato Ketchup! To Ma To get a Tomato what are you gonna do To Ma To! Tomato'

'Look who got a PlanetJedward Album'

Look who got a PlanetJedward Album
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Not swedish?