Latest Tweets
'Writing words on a page creates a maze that the little paper people that live on the paper wonder around trying to escape!'
'It's so weird when we stand beside a radio We affect the airwaves sometimes we think we turn into an aerial picking up signals!'
'We want to make a road with a huge fan that is so powerful it turns the cars into Hover Cars!'
'We just met the coolest fans ever!'
'It's so weird when we stand beside a radio We affect the airwaves sometimes we think we turn into an aerial picking up signals!'
'We want to make a road with a huge fan that is so powerful it turns the cars into Hover Cars!'
'We just met the coolest fans ever!'
Postat av:
Haha, jag trodde det var den jag hade länkat ;) jag tyckte vell att det var lite konstigt att han inte hade twittrar på så länge! tack så mycket :) ♥